President’s Report for 2017
Last year saw many of our “clan” opt for participation in the Diamond Jubilee events that continued around the world. As expected, this had a negative affect on local grids, but some really good racing occurred here, nevertheless. Congratulations to Noel Bryen who deservedly took out our major trophy, making him “Number 1″in 2018, should he so choose. It is appropriate at this point to sincerely thank Noel and of course, Robyn Bryen for their ongoing hard work and enormous support in ensuring all things Formula Junior in Australia run well. Their knowledge of, and passion for Historic Motorsport is well known to all and it continues, unabated, luckily for us!
During 2017, the American leg of the Jubilee was held and it highlighted to me the difficult issue we also face in Australia – that of distance. The USA races were sensibly split, basically into two halves – West and East coast. I was fortunate to be able to participate in the East coast section along with about 12 other Aussies and Kiwis! It was a fantastic experience. They do things a bit differently over there, but it all works well. Strong grids and really good racing at several iconic circuits along the way. The Yanks are masters of logistics and planning and it shows. The circuits were immaculate and the track surrounds were groomed to perfection. This enhanced activities considerably. I spoke with a number of casual spectators, who, whilst not being what you would consider as true petrol heads, enjoyed the time they spent at the track and they were well catered for. Including lots of grassy knolls…who said that? Whatever you do, don’t mention “The Donald”
The year saw a few cars change hands and we welcome several newcomers to our growing ranks of owners, and, more importantly, competitors. To further enhance this, I am aware of at least two more cars undergoing restoration that just might see the light of day this coming year. Margaret Ealand must be thanked for her decision to ensure Roger’s much cherished Lotus 18 remained in Australia with new custodian Paul Falkner… at some exxpense to Margaret, such is her enthusiasm for our group. No doubt Margaret will be on the phone to you soon to encourage your entry and to keep tabs on our “fleet”” movements.
The calander is set for 2018 and our first meeting at Wakefield should be fantastic with 14 starters at the time of writing. Is it the double points, the track, or just simply time to blow the cobwebs out for you? Your feed back to our small, but growing membership is vital to ensure we remain relevant and accommodating to as many as possible. Dust your toy off – come and have fun with us as often as you can.
Let’s make 2108 a memorable year – time marches on so, IF NOT NOW – WHEN?
Yours in racing,
Kim Shearn
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